Darwin's general theory presumes the development of life from non-life and stresses a purely naturalistic (undirected) "descent with modification".source:
All About Science,
Darwin's theory of evolution - a theory in crisis, [] (accessed 21 August 2007).
She believed that it was important to look after an individual's health, mental and physical, as well as sickness, an idea well ahead of its time.source:
Florence Nightingale International Foundation,
Florence Nightingale: The Folorence Nightingale Legacy, [] (accessed 21 August 2007).
Hawking's ideas are so advanced that they have not been proven yet…Stephen Hawking is obviously the greatest theoretical physicist of the modern era and perhaps of all time because of his work with the properties of space, time, and relativity.source:
The University of South Dakota,
Stephen Hawking (1942 - Present), [] (accessed 21 August 2007)